Hello Folks,
My name is John Murdo Graham, born and brought up in a very small sub village called “LABOST” in South Bragar, I am a native Gaidhlig Speaker and I am deeply passionate about both my first Language and my Culture.
I am a product of my environment, being born into a Crofting/Weaving family and being trained by WITGA as a tour guide.
At the age of 14 I was weaving Harris Tweed under the watchful eye of my Father, Harris Tweed is so deeply rooted in my being that it is my favourite (Skill) not (Job).
So am a qualified Harris Tweed Weaver with code Number AB128.
I am also a Qualified Commercial Vehicle Mechanic but for the last 27 years I have been working in the Offshore Industry for the Exploration of Oil & Gas.
I run a Croft with a Flock of predominantly Black Face Sheep & two Border Collie Sheepdogs “Molly & Runa”
I have also for the last 9 yrs worked Part time driving Tour Coaches around the Island
I have a huge interest in Local history and know the West Side of Lewis extremely well.
My hobbies are vast! Sea and Freshwater Fishing, Shooting, Playing the Great Highland Bagpipes, Sheepdog Training, Motorcycles,Reading, Classic Cars …
But, the most important thing of all is being “Sheanair” (Grandfather) to my gorgeous Granddaughter Sian Freyja Graham
So let me be your guide on our stunning Hebridean Isles.
Tour Guide
Gaelic (native)
English (native)
Tours offered
West Side
Contact Form
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